Died in 1989.
Fell through a high-rise window to his death.
The Palace Hotel (before it was known as The Palace)
Pike Buchanan (father)
Asa Buchanan (paternal uncle)
Jeannie Buchanan (paternal aunt; deceased)
Clint Buchanan (paternal cousin)
Bo Buchanan (paternal cousin)
Ben Davidson (paternal cousin)
David Vickers (paternal cousin)
Rafe Garretson (paternal cousin)
Cordero Roberts (paternal first cousin once removed)
Kevin Buchanan Sr. (paternal first cousin once removed; via adoption)
Joey Riley Buchanan (paternal first cousin once removed; via adoption)
Jessica Buchanan (paternal first cousin once removed; via adoption)
Natalie Buchanan (paternal first cousin once removed)
Drew Buchanan (paternal first cousin once removed; deceased)
Matthew Buchanan (paternal first cousin once removed)
Sammi Garretson (paternal first cousin once removed)
Clinton James "C.J." Roberts (paternal second cousin once removed)
Sarah Roberts (paternal second cousin once removed)
Demerest Buchanan (paternal second cousin once removed; via adoption; deceased)
Kevin Buchanan Jr. (paternal second cousin once removed; via adoption; deceased)
Megan Buchanan (paternal second cousin once removed; via adoption; deceased)
Brennan Buchanan (paternal second cousin once removed; via adoption)
Zane Buchanan (paternal third cousin once removed; via adoption)
Sarah Gordon (rape)
Rigged Michael Grande's car brakes to not work and the accident killed Michael's wife Alicia and their baby
Shot Viki Buchanan
Austin Buchanan came to Llanview in 1989. He was Asa's nephew. He soon became obsessed with Sarah Gordon. Bo was currently married to Sarah and Austin thought he was going to steal Sarah from Bo. Austin knew that Bo and Michael Grande were enemies, so Austin rigged the brakes on Michael's car not to work. But instead of Michael being killed, his wife Alicia and their baby died and Gabrielle Medina was injured. Austin framed Bo for the accident. Austin eventually confessed to Sarah what he had done and wanted Sarah to make love to him. She hated him, she was only pretending to like him so she could get his confession, and didn't want to, but that made Austin mad and Austin raped Sarah. After the rape was over, Sarah got a gun and shot Austin. For protection of Sarah, Cord and Asa buried Austin's body. To their surprise, the evil Buchanan was not dead after all. He crawled out of his grave and wanted revenge on Sarah! He held Viki Buchanan and Megan Gordon hostage. Not long after, though, Clint found them. He shot Austin. After the shot, Austin fell through a high-rise window. Right before he fell, he shot Viki, but she was only wounded. This time Austin was dead for good.
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