* CBS Daytime launches Daymoji app | Soap Central on Soap Central

CBS Inks Supermarket Deal

by Dan J Kroll
Posted Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:02:30 PM
CBS Daytime launches Daymoji app

Coming soon to a supermarket near you - The Young and the Restless! Well, that might not quite be the case, but CBS has inked a deal that will allow some of its programming content to be broadcast in supermarkets across the country.

In the deal, CBS has signed on to become a programming partner with SignStorey, Inc., a company that has installed video screens in approximately 1,300 supermarkets nationwide. According to CBS, the network will provide short-form programming on topics such as health and nutrition, as well as news briefs, sports news and entertainment information.

"We know how competitive it is in the marketplace," George Schweitzer, the head of CBS's marketing group, said. "We saw this as a great way to reach out to our audience in an exclusive venue. We're not competing with our competitors there, and you can't change the channel."

Don't expect to be able to hang out in the produce aisle and catch up on all the latest happenings on your favorite soaps as you root around for the perfect cantaloupe. CBS will provide a scant 1 to 2 minutes of content for the 8-minute SignStorey broadcasts. About 4 minutes of that broadcast is devoted to advertising.

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